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The West London Wick is UWL’s first student newspaper, with all articles, photos, and video footage contributed solely by UWL students.


With an editorial focus on Student Life, Entertainment, Sustainability, and LGBTQA+ topics, it’s our aim to act as an a platform for writers and photographers within The University of West London.

By highlighting and publicising the activities of the University of West London’s student societies, we also hope to shine a spotlight on all of the fantastic extracurricular events organised by UWL’s students, as well as to increase overall student engagement and improve student life within UWL.


Whether you’re looking to bolster your portfolio and develop new skills by working on one of our stories, or you can’t wait to attend our social events to meet fellow creatives and network with industry professionals, there’s never been a better chance to get involved in student media within UWL. 


Though an affiliate of the University of West London and the University of West London’s Student Union, all opinions and views expressed in The West London Wick are solely those of its writers with no direct conjunction to the university.


The West London Wick is partners with The MNGR, Blast Radio, UWL's LGBTQ+ Society and The UWL Sustainability Society.

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